🙏What is computer 🙏

answer. computer is a electrical device can provide all type of data processing work and logical work and mathematical work and given answer 100% accurate and very termend as speed and Charles Babbage is 
called father of computer.
 😍There are three types of computer😍 1.analog computer
2.Digital computer 
3.Hybrid computer
1.Analog computer: this type of computer understand single frequency is called analog computer example.1speedometer 2.barometer

2.Digital computer: a computer that perform Calculation and login operation with pointed represent as digital usually in binary number system.

3. Hybrid computer: hybrid computer have the power of computer and when the keyboard is detected the rotor portability a table. Example.machine gas.pump station.

4. motherboard:it is called heart of computer heart of computer its accurate answer.
5. CPU: stand for central Processing Unit its remain Ram this device is called brain of computer.
6. Keyboard: keyboard is the input device its remain F1 to F12 key this key is called function key. it used for all types of accounting work purpose its remains for (0) to(9)key this key is called nomerical key its is used for mathematical and logical work purpose.it is remain 10 of a special key is this key for special key is used for spatial data type purpose and work purpose.
it's remain 104 key into keyboard it's used for data entry work purpose and Hindi and English typing work.